The information provided must not be a secret. Due to the Corona virus spread, the demand for disinfectants has increased. The availability and use of rubbing alcohol as a household disinfectant helps to keep the body clean at home and prevent the spread of disease. But it is important to keep in mind that it is flammable and must be handled in a place out of the reach of children.
Desinfitseerimisvahend kos glütserinija – mis katseheb Skin drying, pindade disinfection may leave a slightly sticky layer. If you use a universal disinfectant, it can dry out the leather, but you can use disinfectant for hand cream!
The alcohol-based disinfectant (ethanol, isopropanol) is more effective than conventional detergents. The skin tolerates alcohol-based antiseptics better than washing with soap and water.
Guess the less the smell of alcohol, the less harmful the substance is. The opposite is true in reality. Smoked alcohol – methanol is pure poison. Ethanol omab strong alcohol/liquor smell. Isopropyl alcohol has a sharp smell, but is the most effective disinfectant. Unfortunately, store-bought wine must not have good disinfection, as the alcohol content is less than 80%.
Gel is comfortable and fashionable, but surgeons do not use gel. Why so on? You must add carbomer (thickeners) to the gel. Pikaajalii clarity carbomer can cause allerglist skin and there are several rasedatele. This means the less chemicals, the better.
The WHO recommends using an 80% substance with an ethanol content of 80% or an isopropanol content of 75% (the most expensive raw material), as well as 3% hydrogen peroxide and forms with more than 1% glycerin (or some other skin freshener) as an antiseptic. Teil has nüüd knowledge/possibility Juba prepare disinfectants endale ise või segatad ainet, otse produkturalt! Pole mäikt costs 10 euros for 100 ml.
* All alcohol-containing substances must be kept out of reach
**Star potato! Seizures are väga tulefällikud!
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